Health News

What is Stress Awareness Month and how can I reduce my stress?

What is Stress Awareness Month?

How can I reduce my stress levels?

Remember what makes you happy and engage in it

Learn to say no!

The Gratitude stretch

Try some informal mindfulness

  • When out walking listen to birdsong
  • When out walking, take a moment to feel the warmth of the sun
  • When having a drink, take a moment to appreciate the sensation as it quenches your thirst
  • When eating take a moment to savour the taste – and see if you can recognise the multitude of flavours
  • Treat yourself, just because (but be aware of your finances)
  • Wear something that is uniquely expressive of you (even if it is not obviously displayed)
  • Have photos of people – or things – that you love around you (many people say ‘they are on my phone’ – but just a simple quick glance at an object of affection can generate oxytoxin, the bonding hormone.)

Keep evergreens – or use your other senses to support feelings of relaxation

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