Health News

Drugs: 80 per cent co-payment is due

Despite the billions in record savings with discount contracts to health insurers to rid their Insured only in one out of five discount medicines from payment. The show current calculations by the German pharmacists Association (DAV) at the beginning of the year.

Accordingly, since 1. January 2020 exempt only 4.989 of 23.564 discount drugs (21.2 percent) of the statutory co-payment fully or in half. Each statutory health insurance Fund has the right to waive the statutory co-payment of between five and ten euros for the half or in its entirety, if you entered into a discount agreement with a pharmaceutical manufacturer.

The pharmacy is obliged to submit the prescribed medicines for the discount drugs of the Fund of the Insured person to be replaced. In the year 2018, the statutory health insurance funds had saved already 4.5 billion euros by rebate contracts with pharmaceutical manufacturers, in the past year, in 2019 it is likely to have been a lot more money.

Discount drugs are häoften of Lieferengpäshot affected

"The health insurance companies will save more money by ersetzen&quot old new rebate contracts;, Groeneveld, patient, officer of the DAV, says Berend. On the one hand, the Treasury would collect more and more discounts from the manufacturers and their Insured in order to periodically change the medication to push. Nevertheless, the patients have to pay to continue, for the most part five to ten euros. "The health insurance should be more likely to adopt the co-payments. The would the acceptance of constantly changing products and therefore the adherence to Therapy of patients verbessern", as Groeneveld. In addition, the multiples would be bottlenecks in discount medicinal products in the pharmacies to lead to a considerable additional expense. Groeneveld argues, therefore, that health insurance companies complete their discount agreements best with a minimum of three manufacturers with different active substance manufacturers in order to reduce supply bottlenecks.

If you want to know, whether it be a prescription drug co-payment is free, you can look at the current list of co-payment exempt drugs and therein alphabetically search.


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