Hearing problems may indicate dementia
Some of the symptoms of dementia are identified at an early stage of the disease and vary from Person to Person. Many people is an important and very early occurring warning signal for Alzheimer’s, however not at all known: If you notice that your hearing is getting worse, this may indicate dementia.
The Alzheimer’s Society informed in a press release that a deterioration of hearing may indicate the development of dementia. Many of the Concerned this is a typical Symptom of dementia is, however, not be aware of.
What is dementia?
Dementia is the name for a group of symptoms, which, according to the NHS, with a persistent decrease in the brain function are related. There are different types of dementia, the most common is Alzheimer’s disease. It is believed that Alzheimer’s is caused by an abnormal build-up of proteins in and around the brain.
Worse, one can Hear references to dementia
If you notice that your hearing is getting worse, there is an increased risk for the development of dementia. The loss of hearing can result, for example, that you feel in everyday life increasingly confused or difficult to follow a conversation. It is yet unknown why some people with hearing loss suffer more from dementia, the experts explain the charity.
Gradual hearing loss in old age is, of course,
Many people with dementia are also suffering from a hearing loss. It is quite normal that people with age, developing a gradual hearing loss. To suffer from both conditions, however, can be a real challenge for those Affected. there are many ways that can help people can lead to both hearing loss as well as dementia a comfortable life.
At the hearing, you should consult a doctor
It is often difficult to separate the signs of hearing loss, one of which is dementia. Here is a disease can the other cover. It is therefore important that people with dementia make on a regular basis a hearing test. You speak at a hearing with a family doctor who can refer you to a specialist, who then checks the quality of your hearing. There, Tests can be specially designed for people with dementia, adapted. But it is not only an obvious loss of hearing indicates a risk for dementia. If you have difficulties to keep track of, or if you notice subtle changes in your personality, this could be indications of dementia. You speak with a doctor if you’re Worried about the signs of dementia or if you are of the opinion that you could have an increased probability for the emergence of dementia.
How can it be reduces the risk for dementia?
So far, there are unfortunately still no options to prevent the development of dementia, but you can at least reduce your risk. A healthy and balanced diet helps to reduce the risk for dementia. In addition, it is important to have sufficient exercise and practice enough sports. People should ideally be a minimum of 150 minutes each week of moderate-intensity exercise. The world health organization WHO has published guidelines, which are intended to protect against cognitive decline and dementia. (as)