Personal Health

Microbiome reveals the age of a Person

The complex communities of microbes that live on the skin, in the mouth and in the intestine, are influenced by factors such as diet, environment, and lifestyle. This may change in the course of life. Researchers have now shown that they can determine, on the basis of Multiple, the age of a Person.

With the help of a method based on machine Learning, researchers at the University of California in San Diego, to determine the age of a Person. At best, the work samples with the skin, the microbial composition showed the age of 3.8 years. In samples from the mouth, the accuracy was 4.5 years, and a stool sample was 11.5 years. In the oral cavity or in the intestine of young people (18 to 30 years) tend to watch a wider variety of species than in individuals 60 years of age. In the composition of the intestinal micro-biome, the Team is gender-noted specific differences, but not in the mouth and skin mikrobi omen.

A few years ago, researchers at the Washington University had the "microbial Alter" of the gut multiple with the actual age, in malnourished infants in the first months of life compared to each other and found that the difference between actual and microbial age with the development maturity of the children hangs together. Hence the idea to investigate this even in adults, it grew.

For this, samples from Healthy all over the world have been examined: of 4,434 stool samples from the USA and China, 2.550 saliva samples from the USA, Canada, the UK and Tanzania, as well as 1.975 samples from the USA and the UK skin.