Health Problems

The interplay between relationships, stress, and sleep

A new Personal Relationships study documents how the quality of a person’s romantic relationship and the life stress he or she experiences at two key points in early adulthood (at age 23 and 32) are related to sleep quality and quantity in middle adulthood (at age 37). Investigators found that people who have positive relationship […]

Health Problems

Computers can ‘spot the difference’ between healthy brains and the brains of people with DID

Machine-learning and neuroimaging techniques have been used to accurately distinguish between individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and healthy individuals, on the basis of their brain structure, in new research part funded by the NIHR Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre and published in the British Journal of Psychiatry. Researchers performed MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) brain scans […]

Health News

Molecular link between body weight, early puberty identified

Becoming overweight at a young age can trigger a molecular chain reaction that leads some girls to experience puberty early, according to new research published in Nature Communications. Scientists have discovered a molecular mechanism that leads overweight female rats to have early-onset puberty. “Knowing how nutrition and specific molecules play a role in starting puberty […]