True or false? Bacteria living in the same space, like the mouth, have evolved collaborations so generous that they are not possible with outside bacteria. That was long held to be true, but in a new, large-scale study of microbial interactions, the resounding answer was “false.” Research led by the Georgia Institute of Technology found […]
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Saliromanie (Salirophilie) – The Lust for dirt
Saliromanie or better Salirophilie derives from the French word for „beschmutzen“ from. Salirophiler referred to a people, the sexual arousal at the Spot of other people, self or objects felt. Among the substances with which such people daub, mud, food, semen, blood, urine, or feces. Table of contents Risks koprophiler practices Risks urophiler practices Exkrementophilie […]
The dirt on dirt: Why being squeaky clean can harm your health
Pity Pope Francis. When video footage emerged last month of him repeatedly pulling his right hand away as worshipper after worshipper moved forward from a long queue to kiss his ring, conservatives blasted him for disrespecting church tradition. The Pope later explained he was simply trying to reduce the risk of his flock picking up […]