Health Problems

Neurons promote growth of brain tumor cells

In a current paper published in the journal Nature, Heidelberg-based researchers and physicians describe how neurons in the brain establish contact with aggressive glioblastomas and thus promote tumor growth / New tumor activation mechanism provides starting points for clinical trials Neurons transmit their signals to each other via synapses, fine cell projections with terminals that […]

Health News

Tumours ‘corrupt’ healthy tissue to support its ‘growth and survival’

Cancer cells may ‘corrupt’ surrounding healthy tissue to help tumours grow, spread and resist treatment, scientists claim Scientists studied the tissue that surrounds mice tumours in the laboratory  Cancer ‘exerts a powerful influence over its neighbouring cells’ Helps experts understand how tumours trigger changes that help them survive  Cancer cells may ‘corrupt’ healthy tissue to help them […]

Health Problems

Timed release of turmeric stops cancer cell growth

A Washington State University research team has developed a drug delivery system using curcumin, the main ingredient in the spice turmeric, that successfully inhibits bone cancer cells while promoting growth of healthy bone cells. The work could lead to better post-operative treatments for people with osteosarcoma, the second most prevalent cause of cancer death in […]

Health Problems

Computer-assisted diagnostic procedure enables earlier detection of brain tumor growth

A computer-assisted diagnostic procedure helps physicians detect the growth of low-grade brain tumors earlier and at smaller volumes than visual comparison alone, according to a study published May 28 in the open-access journal PLOS Medicine by Hassan Fathallah-Shaykh of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and colleagues. However, additional clinical studies are needed to determine […]

Kids Health

Breastfeeding boosts metabolites important for brain growth

Micro-preemies who primarily consume breast milk have significantly higher levels of metabolites important for brain growth and development, according to sophisticated imaging conducted by an interdisciplinary research team at Children’s National. “Our previous research established that vulnerable preterm infants who are fed breast milk early in life have improved brain growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes. It […]