Health News

Precision medicine guides choice of better drug therapy in severe heart disease

Is personalized medicine cost-effective? University of Alabama at Birmingham researcher Nita Limdi, Pharm.D., Ph.D., and colleagues across the United States have answered that question for one medical treatment. Patients experiencing a heart attack—known as a myocardial infarction or an acute coronary syndrome—have sharply diminished blood flow in coronary arteries, with a high risk of heart […]

Health Problems

Personalized medicine for atrial fibrillation

Patients with atrial fibrillation, the most frequent cardiac arrhythmia, are closer to accessing personalized medicine. This is the claim of a new study led by Dr. David Filgueiras, of the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), the Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid, and the Centro de Investigación en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV). The […]

Health Problems

A step closer to cancer precision medicine

Researchers from the Faculty of Medicine and the Institute for Molecular Medicine (FIMM) at the University of Helsinki have developed a computational model, Combined Essentiality Scoring (CES) that enables accurate identification of essential genes in cancer cells for development of anti-cancer drugs. Why are the essential genes important in cancer? Cancer is the leading cause […]

Health News

Regular ‘good’ sex can lower blood pressure, scientists claim

Regular ‘good’ sex can lower blood pressure as successfully as medicine, scientists claim Good sex reduces blood pressure, Georgia State University researchers found  Scientists found volunteers’ readings fell by up to 13% the day after making love Taking a water pill diuretic, a common treatment, yields similar results, they said  Scientists said: ‘The more pleasurable […]

Health News

Modern medicine: Infectious diseases, timelines, and challenges

During the 19th century, economic and industrial growth continued to develop, and people made many scientific discoveries and inventions. Scientists made rapid progress in identifying and preventing illnesses and in understanding how bacteria and viruses work. However, they still had a long way to go regarding the treatment and cures of infectious diseases. Infectious diseases […]

Health News

Medieval and Renaissance medicine: Practice and developments

In southern Spain, North Africa, and the Middle East, Islamic scholars were translating Greek and Roman medical records and literature. In Europe, however, scientific advances were limited. Read on to find out more about medicine in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Middle Ages The Early Middle Ages, or Dark Ages, started when invasions broke […]