Personal Health

Medical Cannabis is pregnancy possible?

The Weed growing is mothers definitely discouraged. But what if a woman with a medically justified Cannabis medication is pregnant? The Pharmaceutical newspaper has asked the professional Association of women doctors.

"Scientific studies on the use of medical Cannabis in pregnancy and the long-term effects of this treatment on the child exist nicht", the Association with regard to the guidelines of the US-American colleagues stressed. Other therapy with better data on pregnancy is clearly preferable to it.

"If a woman is set before the Occurrence of a pregnancy with a Cannabis product, it will be best to weigh in advance, in each case, together with the treating specialist, as the expectant mother can best be helped to control the symptoms of the disease during pregnancy is safe to schaden&quot without the child;, advises the professional Association of women doctors.

This applies to medical Cannabis applications as well as for other medicinal products, which are used, for example, in the case of epilepsy, depression, or Multiple sclerosis. "In any case, the Pregnant medicines should not settle independently, but immediately with the treating Doctors sprechen", the Association warns.

Medical Cannabis is considered to be an effective agent against Nausea, for example, in the case of cancer therapies. Against pregnancy nausea, Cannabis is dragging due to possible harm to the embryo but not in consideration to emphasize the German gynecologist.

The professional Association of women doctors had recently warned against the use of cannabis in pregnancy. There are very clear indications that this will change the way the child’s brain permanently. Moreover, a recent study from Canada shows that it comes to births among cannabis use, more in the morning. In the case of medical Cannabis, the Benefit has to be balanced-risk ratio for both mother and child, as with other drugs in the individual.


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